Archive for February, 2011

saturday mayhem

end of week 6.

saturday morning. i woke up early just to make a guest appearance for the environment club. they were going to clean the eco-pond, re-planting new plants and taking care of the school compound on a saturday morning. that was when i realised the school is like a ghost town. i was there about 0730hrs. the kids were waiting outside of the gate. apparently no one is allowed to enter w/o a teacher in charge. so the rest were waiting for mr. syam to arrive before starting work.

the kids learn how to handle a cangkul, re-arrange the lily pot, adding fertilisers, watering the plants, pulling weeds and not forgetting playing Monopoly Deal! lol~ i cant believe within the short 2hrs, we managed to complete quite a number of things. the school may owns an eco-pond. but have they ever wondered who would take care of them. without these kids, the eco pond environment wont even exist. kudos to all!!

caught up again with some of the boys later in the afternoon for a good dip @ JE pool. nice weather to juz laze in the pool before heading to the Emerald for Spytens BBQ.

the Emerald Condominium

that’s the place where we held our BBQ. siti was the first person to reach! hmm.. was it enthusiastic? hahah you decided. 😛 perhaps she’s being helpful. about 13 of us were there for the BBQ. some said will drop but never did. maybe they dropped out of it after all. some replied but did not turn up. some were the first to reply but no news after that. some are working. some have issues with each other. some have other last minute gatherings.  others? i guess they  just couldn’t be bothered.

stories were shared. gossips were spread. food much not eaten. nonetheless we had fun. even though it is just a small group. i definitely had fun. so, my next question to all is –  What will happen after this? I doubt there will be anymore gathering like this. even if they were, it will still be the same faces at every gathering. enough ranting about these people. tomorrow is Valentine’s Day.

Happy Valentine’s Day to me!! ❤

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happy new year to all the hunny bunnies!!

the year of the bunny sets in 2011 and in conclusion, another long weekend for me to slack @ home coz its Chinese New Year!! super looong wkend began on wednesday where we had a celebration on CNY. the usual stuffs like last year: results for best decorated classroom, wushu act, IQ quiz, dances, lion dance and not forgetting lo-hei to sum up the celebration! (: an added segment inserted this year was a mini competion for students & staffs. we, staffs, too had our lo-hei session; step by step led by our MT CC. hahaha~ enjoy ur super long break guys!! hopefully the sun comes out soon..

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exploration in ethnicity

well. thats the course title that i went to the last wkend. a residential stay @ GBC. conducted by OPSG. basically it deals matters on ethnicity & racism. very enriching course. however, i felt that there are many things that we can further discuss on matters on ethnicity & racism. hahaha~

day 1
participant of the course range from NIE trainee teachers, NTU & NUS students, tertiary students. we start with icebreakers as usual in any group event. next we’re divided into 2 groups. we start off by asking ourselves – what do we want to achieve after this course. followed by a social contract which each and everyone one in the group members have to abide to. a series of questions came from the faci and we decide on where we stand from a scale of 0 – 10. each  & everyone of us have different views. after lunch was a video – the eye of the storm. its a very old clip about a teacher conducted an experiment on her class. basically differentiating the brown eyes & the blue eyes kids. basically those given the brown eyes wud have much advantage to those of blue eys. and they will swap roles the following day. on the third day, these kids share their views and opinion on the experiment. in the evening, we had a life journey session where everyone would their life stories to the group.

day 2
we have to shuttle back to OPSG coz the course have to end there. first activity was the community drumming. basically all percussion instruments – bass drums, djembe, wood blocks, cow bells, shakers. one thing i learnt from that is that we need to allow ourselves so that we could allow others to come in and follow. its interesting how people with no musical background can make music harmoniously. excellent activity. we continue sharing our life journey after that. finally a cert was given out. another paper collection. hah!

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